






E-mail me

this section contains any information i think interesting enough to share with you. it will be cleaned monthly, with a backup put on the archives page [this can be found here]. i will add infomation to this page as much as i can.

20 July 2001 - up at last
the web page has gone through yet another layout change and another name, but this i like. it isn't 100% complete so don't tell me that. if you need help navigating, you're a moron!

22 July 2001 - jip, ANOTHER bug in windoze
i found this wierd bug in Windoze.

on my windoze 98 SE, i created a user called "|eviathan". it created the user fine, but, because you aren't allowed to name files with these "illegal" characters [|] - and windows saves the passwords for users in the file username.pwl - it can't create the password file and so, the user containing the illegal character can't save it's password and asks you for a new password every time you log in! dunno how you could use this ... YET!

23 July 2001 - the drug called .. IRC
i updated quite a lot on the sections. check dem out.

27 July 2001 - "i'm larry.. hehe.. laffer"
i started playing leisure suit larry7 [love for sale]. an the way, if you're interested, to get out of the fire-fulled room, is..

firstly pick the hair thingy on larry's left up. go to the inventory, an open it. you get a needle. pick the vice grip on his right side up an bend the needle. now use the bent needle on the handcuffs an BOB'S YOUR UNCLE.